Weekday Hours

Behavioral Health DepartmentMon - Fri: 8AM - 6PM
Dental DepartmentMon - Fri: 8AM - 6PM
Family Medicine DepartmentMon - Fri: 8AM - 6PM
Pediatrics & Teen HealthMon - Fri: 8AM - 6PM
Women's Health DepartmentMon - Fri: 8AM - 6PM
PharmacyMon - Thurs: 8:30AM - 5:30PM
---Lunch 12:30pm - 1 PM
---Fri: 8:30AM - 3 PM
After Hours Non-Emergency252-522-9800 Option 2

Phone Numbers

Main Phone Line(252) 522-9800
Main Fax Line(252) 523-9790

Good Faith Estimate

You have the right to receive a “Good Faith Estimate” explaining how much your care will cost. A Good Faith Estimate is not a bill. A GFE lists expected charges for items or services from Kinston Community Health Center. The GFE will not include any unknown or unexpected costs added during your treatment since the estimate is based on information known at the time KCHC creates the estimate. Generally, the estimate must include expected charges for the primary item or services and any other items/services you’re reasonably expected to get as part of the primary item/service. You can get a list of each item or service (with the provider or facility) and specific details, like the health care service code. You have the right to receive the estimate in the manner that’s best accessible to you. If you receive a bill that is at least $400 more than your Good Faith Estimate, you may be eligible to dispute the bill. Keep your Good Faith Estimate in a Safe Place.
For more information, visit www.cms.gov/nosurprises or call Patient Accounts at 252-522-9800 option 6.

Our Goal

Our goal is to be your partner in healthcare by serving as your primary medical facility. We are committed to making available a personal physician who provides for all of your healthcare needs and coordinates your care across all settings, including the medical office, hospital, clinics, testing facilities, and other places where you may receive healthcare.

Our Mission

The mission of the Kinston Community Health Center is to provide quality and accessible health care to all the people of our community in the most cost-efficient manner.

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After Hours Clinical Advice:

KCHC’s Nurse Advice Line provides healthcare advice when our offices are closed. To speak with a nurse after hours please call (252) 522-9800.


Non-Urgent Needs:

We offer same day appointments and suggest that you wait until the next business day for your care to be provided by the provider who knows you best. However, should your provider not be available, then the treating provider will easily have access to your office records, which includes medical history, allergies and current medications.


National Committee for Quality Assurance (NCQA) Level II Patient Centered Medical Home Federally Qualified Health Center (FQHC) American Heart Association - Cholesterol - Gold American Heart Association - Participant American Medical Association - Silver Federally Supported Health Center Assistance Acts Advancing HIT For Quality PCMH

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