1. Where are you located?
Our primary location is 324 N. Queen St. Kinston, NC 28501
Behavioral Health location is 107 S. Queen St. Kinston, NC 28501
2. How can I become a patient of Kinston Community Health Center?
You may call 252-522-9800 to schedule an appointment.
3. Do you have an after-hours emergency number?
Yes, 252-522-9800 option 1
4. Does your Center accept Walk-ins?
Dental-Walk in’s accepted Monday thru Friday 8am and 1pm
Medical-Walk in’s are worked into the existing schedule. Note: Appointment availability may be given anytime during that day.
5. What services do you provide?
As a Medical Home, we provide Medical, Dental, Pediatric, OB/GYN, and Behavioral Health Services. We also provide prescription assistance programs, and transportation services if you qualify.
6. Your Center offers multiple services, but I only need to be seen for one. Do I have to register for all of it?
No, you do not have to register for all our services.
7. Is the Center open on the weekends?
No. The hours of operation are Monday thru Friday 8:00am-6:00pm
8. Is this a free clinic?
No, our Center does not provide free services. However, anyone can apply for our Slide Fee Discount Program.
9. What type of insurance do you accept?
We accept most insurances. You can call your insurance company for information regarding where and by whom your insurance is accepted or call our center for more information.
10. Do you have a discount program?
Yes, the sliding scale discount program is available for all services provided at Kinston Community Health Center Inc. Identification for all those in the household and current household income are required to apply. A recent copy of the 1040 Tax forms are preferred; however if none of these are applicable to you, contact the center to inquire about other acceptable forms of income documentation.
11. What kind of doctors do you have?
We employ Board Certified Physicians as well as Dentists, Family Nurse Practitioner’s, Certified Nurse Midwives.
12. Does you Center provide medication assistance?
As a patient of Kinston Community Health, you automatically qualify for our 340B Drug Discount Program, if you decide to use one of our contracted pharmacies. We will also work with those who are uninsured or underinsured to obtain their medications. Please inquire with a KCHC employee to learn more.
13. Can I use the Prescription Assistance Programs if I am not a patient of the Center?
Only registered patients can use our programs.
14. Does your Center provide STI testing?
15. Does your Center provide pregnancy testing?
16. Are 3D/4D ultrasounds available?