We offer a Sliding Fee Discount Program for eligible patients. All patients may apply regardless of whether you do or do not have insurance.
- We use your family size and income eligibility decisions
- Patients with family size and income below 200% of the federal poverty guidelines will be eligible for Sliding Fee Plan Discounts
- Patients with family size and income at or below 100% of the federal poverty guideline will pay a nominal charge. The Board of Directors of Kinston Community Health Center set nominal charge amounts
- Sliding fee discounts apply after all insurance payments have been processed
- The amount on your bill, after your approval for the Sliding Fee Discount Program, is your responsibility.
- The Sliding Fee Discount Program is the last payer after all benefit plans. You must apply for all public and private insurance that you qualify for including North Carolina Medicaid, North Carolina HealthChoice, Medicare, and employer plans.
- Slide Fee Discount Program must be updated annually
Items you must bring to apply for the Slide Fee Discount Program:
Family size documentation and Income documentation. Please call the Center at 252-522-9800 for further information.